Archive for 'Uncategorized'
MacGyvering Saves Fiber Weekend
As I mentioned in my last post, I recently went to Fiber Weekend up at my Mother-in-Law’s house. I don’t know where she came up with the idea, but this was apparently the second annual iteration of it, and I gotta say… …it was awesome. I’ve been craving some spinning time for months, since last […]
Posted: November 21st, 2011 under Uncategorized.
Tags: Fiber Weekend, Monkey Kitty, Spinning
Comments: 2
I Am My Own Stash Weasel
Sometimes, I quite outsmart myself. And, actually, if I’m quite honest with myself, I outsmart myself with surprising regularity. Take, for example, the issue I was having with the Wedding Blanket II, where I was apparently missing a square. I was sure I’d knit sixteen blocks, but only had fifteen in the shelf where the […]
Posted: November 15th, 2011 under Uncategorized.
Tags: Monkey Kitty, Wedding
Comments: none
Bucket List #247: Check!
I can’t remember when the first time I went to Third Place Books to see the Yarn Harlot when she came to Seattle was, but I’ve gone for every single book tour since. The first time I’d just started reading her blog, and for some reason in my head I pictured her as a tall […]
Posted: November 1st, 2011 under Uncategorized.
Tags: Awesome Knitters, Bucket List
Comments: none
Dear Past Me: What Were You Thinking?
Every now and then, I put down a knitting project only to come back to it weeks or months later and realize that I have no idea what my past self was thinking when I was knitting on it earlier. Generally, it’s obvious that I had a plan and that I had every reason to […]
Posted: October 24th, 2011 under Uncategorized.
Tags: Knitting Surgery, Mistakes, Socks
Comments: none
It’s Done!
I never thought I’d actually see this day. Okay, to be fair, when I started the Wedding Blanket I had every intention of being done in time for my friend’s wedding on Sept 17th, 2010, and I’m only 13 months late (not counting however long it will take to get plane tickets to visit her […]
Posted: October 10th, 2011 under Uncategorized.
Tags: Finished Object, Wedding
Comments: 1
I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve had counting problems in the past. I’d like to say that usually I can make it to at least twenty without an issue, but experience would say otherwise. For the Wedding Blanket II, though, I’m not sure if what I’m experiencing is a counting problem or negligence. […]
Posted: October 4th, 2011 under Uncategorized.
Tags: Counting, Mistakes, Wedding
Comments: 1
I’m Alive!
Sorry for the massive gap in posting! The home improvement project ended up dragging on for a couple weeks longer than it should have, so I’m only now getting back to my laptop for the first time since I started this whole fiasco. I think pictures say it better than words, so how about a […]
Posted: September 26th, 2011 under Uncategorized.
Tags: Home Improvement
Comments: 1
Actually, Pictures Will Come Later
Apparently despite an update that seemed very promising, the WordPress app for Windows Phone is still practically useless and will not upload pictures with posts. Once I’ve got my computer out from under the rubble, I’ll post some pics.
Posted: September 5th, 2011 under Uncategorized.
Comments: none
In Which I Destroy My House…Again
Tonight’s regularly scheduled knitting post will not be happening, as I’ve one again destroyed my house in an effort to improve it. Unfortunately, the improvement is taking much longer than I expected: the current state of the house is…
Posted: September 5th, 2011 under Uncategorized.
Comments: none
Never Underestimate the Importance of Counting
When I was in first grade, we had a unit on learning to count. We’re not talking just one through ten, either – oh no, we were graded on whether we could recite, in front of the entire class, the numbers from one to one hundred. It doesn’t sound so hard now, but at the […]
Posted: August 29th, 2011 under Uncategorized.
Tags: Counting, Wedding
Comments: 1