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February 2025



Tag: Knitting Fates

Are you there, Internet? It’s me, Elisabeth…

So…it’s been a long time around here.  An embarrassingly long time, in fact.  I rather suddenly (but not entirely unexpectedly) started a new side project that’s been taking all of my time and energy – there was even a period of about three months that I literally did not knit a single stitch, despite never […]

Oh Crap

I have small feet, so generally speaking a ball of sock yarn is more than enough for me to make a pair of socks with.  In fact, I’ve never once run out of yarn while making socks.  I’ve never even come close – I’ve sometimes had so much yarn left over that I could make […]

And The Knitting Fates Laughed

In my last post, I mentioned that I was just about to start blocking the border for Wedding Blanket the First.  This was a somewhat momentous occasion, as it’s been months since I finished knitting said border, and at no time did I actually measure the in-progress or finished border against the blanket it was […]

Karmic Deposits

The Blanket Thief complains that I have a messed up view of karma because I basically think it works like a bank – that you  can take withdrawals in the form of good things happening to you, that you make deposits by both living through shitty things and doing good to others.  I think he […]

As It Turns Out, 42 Really IS The Answer

Every now and then, I’ve been having the Blanket Thief “try on” the cARGHdigan to see if the arm holes are big enough.  Generally, this process looks something like this: (I had a better picture, but the Blanket Thief forbid me from posting it.  If he ever pisses me off, though…) Given that the needle […]

Blast From The Past

I’ve been super swamped lately with various work and life things, so instead of posting about what I”m doing now, I’m going to delve a bit into the past.  Why I think that blogging about a past project instead of a current one will have any affect on my general stress level I have no […]

They Got Me Again

I may have bragged last night that I had picked a project for the Knitting Olympics which was, if not easy, at least possibly not hard enough to qualify for Olympic status.  Nothing in the pattern was particularly hard (except, maybe, understanding it…), the large gauge meant that there weren’t too many stitches, and it […]

For Once, the Knitting Fates Smiled

I’m kind of shocked to be in this position, actually.  I was really, really sure this was going to go differently.  I mean, it always does, right? Last night, as I was putting the cARGHdigan away for the night, I suddenly had a thought.  A very disturbing, very unsettling thought.  A thought that threatened to […]

Bad Lessons

For Thanksgiving weekend, we (the Blanket Thief and I) went up to visit my parents.  I packed at the last minute (er…like always), which meant that I had to be a bit quick about which knitting projects to bring.  Of course, there were the in-progress-go-anywhere socks that were already in my purse, but then I […]