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February 2025



Tag: Monkey Kitty

Yarn > Embarassment

Usually when I catch Monkey Kitty doing something hilarious, he’s too shy to keep at it while I turn on the video camera on my phone and start recording.  For example, we put a sheet with a bunch of little Tinkerbells on one of the couches to try to keep cat hair off of the […]

Monkey Kitty Won’t be Stopped

I really thought I was getting much better about not leaving yarn out for Monkey Kitty to find.  There haven’t been any major incidents in quite a while, to the point that I almost suspected that he might even have gotten over his love of yarn destruction. Just goes to show that you can never […]

They’re Stretchy

While I was on my honeymoon several months ago, I decided to start knitting a pair of socks.  I had grand plans for the pattern, but in the interim took a bit of a break and then realized that I couldn’t remember what that plan was.   I also started feeling a bit of animosity […]

MacGyvering Saves Fiber Weekend

As I mentioned in my last post, I recently went to Fiber Weekend up at my Mother-in-Law’s house.  I don’t know where she came up with the idea, but this was apparently the second annual iteration of it, and I gotta say… …it was awesome. I’ve been craving some spinning time for months, since last […]

I Am My Own Stash Weasel

Sometimes, I quite outsmart myself.  And, actually, if I’m quite honest with myself, I outsmart myself with surprising regularity. Take, for example, the issue I was having with the Wedding Blanket II, where I was apparently missing a square.  I was sure I’d knit sixteen blocks, but only had fifteen in the shelf where the […]

Throwing in the Towel

It’s T-2 days until the wedding, the one for which I’ve been breaking my fingers trying to get the blanket done. I’m not going to make it. Really, it’s been a valient effort.  The last few weeks have really been a lesson in what’s possible (and what’s not), what point my fingers will start to […]

One Month To Go…

I’ve got exactly one month until the Wedding Blanket is due.  One.  Luckily, it’s a 31-day month, if it were February I’d be screwed. Who am I kidding?  I’m screwed no matter how you slice it.  I’ve been knitting on this thing since May, and I’m not quite 2/3rds done.  I’m only marginally sure that […]

I Was Gone Five Minutes!

Every now and then, I realize that Monkey Kitty is great training for the eventual day when I might have children.  Sure, as long as there’s enough food and water I can potentially leave him alone for a weekend, but at the same time, if I leave anything “dangerous” around? Five minutes. For example, I […]

If There Is Yarn…

…Monkey Kitty will find it. It’s like he has a sixth sense about where to find knitting and related supplies, and I swear he must have some kind of extreme instinctual imperative telling him to “Destroy!  Maim!  Kill!  Bitebitebite!”  I’d say he could smell the animals that were involved in making the yarn (see exhibits […]

The Kitties are Against Me

I’ve been trucking along on my Knitting Olympics project, but it seems that the kitties really don’t want me to finish.  First, Monkey Kitty took apart a ball of yarn, then he chewed on the cable for my circular needle (luckily, not enough to break it), and now Bear Kitty is joining the fray – […]