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September 2024



Tag: Socks

Are you there, Internet? It’s me, Elisabeth…

So…it’s been a long time around here.  An embarrassingly long time, in fact.  I rather suddenly (but not entirely unexpectedly) started a new side project that’s been taking all of my time and energy – there was even a period of about three months that I literally did not knit a single stitch, despite never […]

Socks, Socks, Nothing But Socks

So…hi everyone. Sorry for the long lag in posting that just happened there – a lot of stuff has been happening over here in the Knerd household, and somehow posting just fell off the wayside. Unfortunately, so did my camera, apparently, so I’m not going to be able to show you what I’ve done since […]

Oh Crap

I have small feet, so generally speaking a ball of sock yarn is more than enough for me to make a pair of socks with.  In fact, I’ve never once run out of yarn while making socks.  I’ve never even come close – I’ve sometimes had so much yarn left over that I could make […]

A Portugese Hourglass for the New Year

I wish sometimes that I lived in Germany.  Not, mind you, that I know much German, but I think I could pick it up pretty quickly, and I know that enough people in Germany speak English that I could definitely get by.  Germany is where the sock yarn comes from, and is the only place […]

They’re Stretchy

While I was on my honeymoon several months ago, I decided to start knitting a pair of socks.  I had grand plans for the pattern, but in the interim took a bit of a break and then realized that I couldn’t remember what that plan was.   I also started feeling a bit of animosity […]

Dear Past Me: What Were You Thinking?

Every now and then, I put down a knitting project only to come back to it weeks or months later and realize that I have no idea what my past self was thinking when I was knitting on it earlier.  Generally, it’s obvious that I had a plan and that I had every reason to […]

Things I Did Not Work On This Week

In the past week, I’ve done exactly zero knitting. I know.  I’m shocked too.  I didn’t know it was possible for me to live without knitting for so long.  I don’t even have a good explanation for it, either – I wasn’t injured, I wasn’t trapped anywhere without yarn, and even though yesterday was Erica’s […]

Luckily, I Have the Emergency Socks

(I thought I’d posted this from my phone last Thursday, but it turns out that I apparently only saved it.  Damn technology.) Reading the directions is important.  It’s a life skill that I’ve only had spotty success with, both in knitting and in life.  In knitting, it usually manifests in me going off pattern within […]

Winter Knitting Porn

So I’ve been working on the pattern for the Garden Party Socks, and I’m at the point that I need to add some pictures of the finished product.  I’ve got a theory that the most famous knitters are currently the ones who produce the best knitting porn.  And I want to be one of the […]

So Many Socks

It’s been rather cold here lately, which means that I’ve been reveling in my hand-knit sock collection.  When I was doing laundry the other week (and, er, it had been a while since the last time I’d done laundry…) I was struck by something. I have a lot of hand-knit socks.  It was 18 pair […]