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January 2025



Yarn > Embarassment

Usually when I catch Monkey Kitty doing something hilarious, he’s too shy to keep at it while I turn on the video camera on my phone and start recording.  For example, we put a sheet with a bunch of little Tinkerbells on one of the couches to try to keep cat hair off of the couch itself, and Monkey Kitty loves to pounce on the Tinkerbells – unless the camera is rolling, in which case he just looks at you inquiringly and meows softly.  It’s almost like he’s saying, “Um, mom?  This is kind of a personal thing I have to do, I’d rather there not be a record of it later.”

But when there’s yarn involved?  Apparently that’s more important than a little dignity.

Today, we brought home a bag of yarn.  I thought the Blanket Thief had put it safely away in the office, while he thought that I had protected it.  Ten minutes after we got home, Monkey Kitty started meowing by the entry table, and then I heard a soft “thump”.

I went upstairs to find…well, it’s really just better if I show you.

And this is why I can’t leave yarn out unattended for even five minutes


Comment from Gwen
Time February 14, 2012 at 6:17 pm

Well, at least he doesn’t seem to have done any damage! And look how happy he is! On a totally unrelated note, Rocky spent 5 minutes this morning chasing his tail in the bathtub. Camera? Done.

Comment from Lookout
Time March 5, 2012 at 8:49 pm

That yarn looks very familiar….

Comment from Sugih
Time March 21, 2012 at 2:09 pm

Yeah, I was one of those knitters who was shwkirecped on Sleeve Island for close to a year with my last pullover project. So glad that you were able to escape that fate. The sleeves are looking great. Can’t wait to see what pattern this is. Have fun on Sweater Body Bay!