Tag: Rope
One Month To Go…
I’ve got exactly one month until the Wedding Blanket is due. One. Luckily, it’s a 31-day month, if it were February I’d be screwed. Who am I kidding? I’m screwed no matter how you slice it. I’ve been knitting on this thing since May, and I’m not quite 2/3rds done. I’m only marginally sure that […]
Posted: August 16th, 2010 under Uncategorized.
Tags: Monkey Kitty, Rope, Wedding
Comments: none
My Latest Obsession
I should really be working on the Wedding Blanket, but for the last couple days I’ve had a new obsession. That, my friends, is a friendship bracelet maker that I found at Old Navy for a few bucks. I figured that, since I tend to like fiber arts in general, I might enjoy this. Plus, […]
Posted: July 11th, 2010 under Uncategorized.
Tags: Rope, Wedding
Comments: 1