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September 2024



Archive for 'Uncategorized'

Best Yarnbomb Ever

My hosting service is acting up, so I can’t seem to upload any images at the moment.  Hopefully they’ll get that situation resolved soon, but in the meantime, here’s a link to an epic yarnbombing.

Shhh, It’s Sleeping

I’m completely done with sewing on one side of the border of the Wedding Blanket I. One side. There are three more to go. It’s at this point that I start thinking maybe a circular blanket isn’t such a bad idea. Sure, the edge is longer, but on the flip side there’s only one of […]

Maybe It’s Monday

I’m not sure exactly where I am anymore – I seem to have lost track sometime this weekend when I was having my fourth meal with my out-of-town family members.  I don’t suppose that would seem odd to most of you, to have four meals with your visiting family – but this was also the […]

The Beginning of the End

It’s been a long time coming, but, finally, I’ve begun sewing on the border for the Wedding Blanket the First. There were several roadblocks to getting here. I had to knit 28 feet of border. I had to block 28 feet of border. I had to remove about 1 foot on two sides of the […]

This Should Totally Be A Thing

I was honored to be one of the bridesmaids at my friend Erica’s wedding a couple weekends ago.  It was the first time I’d ever bridesmaided (I’m totally making that a word), and no one in my family has had a wedding involving bridesmaids, so I got to learn about all sorts of nifty traditions […]

Things I Did Not Work On This Week

In the past week, I’ve done exactly zero knitting. I know.  I’m shocked too.  I didn’t know it was possible for me to live without knitting for so long.  I don’t even have a good explanation for it, either – I wasn’t injured, I wasn’t trapped anywhere without yarn, and even though yesterday was Erica’s […]

Knitting Corrective Surgery

Remember a few weeks ago, when I found out that the border for Wedding Blanket the First was maybe a little too big?  If not, you really should read it – it’s worth a laugh or two at my misfortune.  Don’t worry, I can wait. Okay, so how do you fix a problem like that?  […]

Love is 199,424 stitches

It’s really not a good idea to calculate how many stitches are in a project you’re doing.  Especially if it’s a large project. My friend Erica is getting married in less than three weeks.  The Wedding Blanket II is for her (and her lovely fiance, of course), and… …well, let’s just say that I’m likely […]

It’s not knitting, but it does involve fibers…

So while I was in Vienna, I had the opportunity to see a bunch of history.  I’m constantly amazed by how much physical history there is in Europe, compared to, say, Seattle, where our oldest structures are maybe 150 years old…and if they’re that old, they’re probably underground. However, the really interesting thing to me […]

A Whole New Kind of Yarnbombing

So last week I was in Vienna for work (I know, poor me, right?), but that means I didn’t have time to do anything interesting, knitting-wise.  I even somewhat outsmarted myself by trying to pack my carry-on light and thus leaving all my knitting in my checked luggage (not my best move, especially when we’re […]