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September 2024



Sleeves Ahoy!

I’ve apparently decided that I’m supposed to churn through all of my Works In Progress (yes, there are enough of them to have formed a committee with capital letters) before starting anything new.  I suspect this is not in small part related to the fact that I can’t buy new yarn anymore.

Speaking of not buying new yarn, for some reason I think it’s a good idea for me to go with some friends to a yarn store sale tomorrow.  I even think it’s possible that I won’t buy gobs of yarn while I do.

Yeah, I think I’m crazy too.  Not much I can do about it now except hope the damage will not be too great.

In the meantime, I’ve made some progress on the cARGHdigan!  The body is done (well, except for all the finishing…)!

You can sort of see what I was going for with the whole idea of sloping the back and having the sides come over the shoulder to meet it here…except, you know, how the sides both tilt to the right, when in reality they’re supposed to be perfectly flat.  Apparently, I can’t block to save my life.  I straightened them out after taking this picture, but I guess I forgot to take a picture of proof that I wasn’t a moron.

As soon as it was dry again, I seamed up the shoulders and demanded that the Blanket Thief try it on.  I figured I was already being a bit pushy, so I didn’t also demand that he either put on a different shirt or strip entirely – even I know there are limits, but that means it’s hard to tell where the sweater ends due to the black-on-black nature of the setup.

It seems just a bit small in the body, but that’s the way he wants it (and who am I to argue with less knitting?).  The armholes fit fine and rest exactly where they’re supposed to be, so that’s one potential crisis averted.

Now, it’s on to the sleeves!  At some point, I think I’ll even stop being excited about them for long enough to actually figure out how big they need to be and cast them on!